Small Business

My Favorite Tax Filing Software in 2021

My Favorite Tax Filing Software in 2021

Each year as taxes role around it becomes a stressful time for many. Even with a tax accountant, you have to compile all of the supporting documents they need and provide it to them. Additionally, when they are done with your taxes, it’s important to take the time to check them before submission.

For the past few years it has been easier for me to do my taxes on my own because I had a simple filing (in the future it won’t be like this). Doing it myself has taught me a lot, not just about taxes but also about tax filing software applications. And, since I’m a numbers girl, I look directly into costs and fees before finally clicking the “file” button.

I filed my taxes this year using, a tool that I strongly recommend over other tax filing software (Note: I am NOT getting paid to share my opinion on this). I did my research in prior years and thought that TaxAct was the way to go and I actually used them for a while. Then about 2 years ago they dramatically increased their prices and it didn’t look like they improved their software or customer service to go along with it (a general rule is that businesses should have some reason or additional benefit to customers in exchange for increasing prices). So I figured that I would try some other tools out and if I didn’t like them I could always go back to TaxACT.

I am so happy that I ended up shopping around because I eventually found FreetaxUSA. I couldn’t really find any reviews online on Freetaxusa but I tried it out anyway. I found the software to be more helpful than TaxACT and on top of it SO MUCH CHEAPER. The software easily guides you through each part of your tax filing with simple questions. I was surprised as some of the questions that popped up helped me get a tax credit that I was not expecting!

I kept looking for “the catch” like how are they going to try and get more money out of me for something I don’t need. They do offer premium assistance that is not required to file your taxes which I really appreciated. Other tax software providers require that you purchase premium services in order to itemize expenses or file certain schedules. So I ended up paying a total amount of $15 to file BOTH my federal and state taxes.

Free Tax USA was easy, SUPER AFFORDABLE, and absolutely doable if you have a simple tax filing. So far I consider a simple tax filing to be for someone filing as a single adult, with or without itemized expenses and / or a schedule C. I definitely still recommend having an experienced tax professional that you trust file your taxes. However, if you have the time and just want to see what your taxes might look like if you do it yourself, you may just go through the process and see if your results match your accountants. You can always stop short of filing your taxes with Free Tax USA and have your tax accountant file them instead. By filing your taxes yourself you may find you have more understanding of the filing process and can contribute with your tax accountant more effectively.

As a special gift, I have uploaded to my FREE resource library the business expense tracking worksheet I used to file my taxes. I have also included a training video for how to use the worksheet. Check it out if you have business expenses that you want to include in your schedule C tax filing and let me know if you have any questions!

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Amazon's profits increased amid an economically devastating pandemic

Amazon's profits increased amid an economically devastating pandemic

Amazon recently released in a current report Form 8-K(1) on February 2nd, 2021, that Jeff Bezos “plans to transition to the role of Executive Chair in the third quarter of 2021” and that “Andrew R. Jassy, currently CEO Amazon Web Services, will succeed Mr. Bezos as Amazon’s Chief Executive Officer and President in the third quarter of 2021.” This was unexpected news no doubt and worth a lot of attention.

In that same report, however, the company also announced record breaking sales and a higher profitability margin amid an economically devastating pandemic.

Amazon’s sales increased 38% in 2020 and its net income increased about 84%. To give context on how exceptional this was, the S&P 500 generated around 11-12% average annual returns from 1926-2019. So in a non-pandemic year we would expect on average for profitable corporations to generate a return of about 11-12%. So an 84% increase in net income is very very high compared to the average.

On top of that the United States expected real GDP decreased by -3.5% in 2020, compared to an increase of +2.2% in 2019. This means that in 2020 there was lower total wealth available to go around in the U.S. compared to 2019. We might assume from Amazon’s earnings then that a higher percentage of total wealth in the United States went to Amazon.

On the flip side, many small business owners and the people who work for those businesses have had a tremendously tough year. In some cases losing their life’s savings and their life’s work through no fault of their own and purely as a direct result from this pandemic. It’s hard to find a data driven prediction but I am estimating that something like 30% of small businesses across the country either have or expect to have to shut their doors for good. Government intervention destroyed small businesses and funneled customers and sales towards big tech companies like Amazon.

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