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Remember to Clean your Cell Phone to Help Prevent Spread of Sickness

We have been watching through various news organizations worldwide information about the spread of a viral infection which may spread by touching your face with your hand after touching the virus. Even if we wash our hands when we come home from the grocery store we may forget to wipe down everything that we touch with our hands then put up to our face.

In one hypothetical scenario, I may go to the grocery store and grab a cart with both hands then text someone with one of my hands or adjust my headphones or glasses while shopping. When we get home, we wash our hands but may forget to wipe down or wash our cell phone, head phones, glasses, scarf, or other object that we put up to our face.

I like to use alcohol-free baby wipes to disinfect objects that I can easily wipe down and I try to be careful and, as frequently as possible, wash all of the clothing I wear outside. Be especially careful if you have to borrow a cell phone, head phones, glasses, or anything else you put up to your face. Try to wipe things down and stay safe!