Business Health

Vitamin C "Curing the Incurable"

Vitamin C "Curing the Incurable"

This week our main topic is vitamin C as we posted episode 7 of our podcast – protect your cells with vitamin C. I want to discuss this subject further by referencing the book “Curing the Incurable” by Thomas E. Levy (1). Levy discusses three topics that I found especially interesting:

  1. Vitamin C is not really a vitamin but a necessary nutrient needed to stay healthy.

  2. Humans cannot synthesize vitamin C on their own and need to ingest a varying amount of it daily or else risk having a deficiency.

  3. Levy recommends high doses of vitamin C.

I found this book very useful in providing me a medical opinion on vitamin C using a variety of scientific references. It has further strengthened my opinion that it is important to take high quality vitamin C nutrition supplements** in order to maintain or improve health.

Vitamin C is not really a vitamin

What is vitamin C if it is not really a vitamin? Well, it has something to do with helping to enhance the flow of electricity in the body. According to Levy, “health exists when electrons flow fully and freely, illness exists when this flow is significantly impaired, and death occurs when this flow stops.” From what I understand, vitamin C is used up as electricity flows through the body and a greater amount of vitamin C is needed to help the electricity flow for a person dealing with illness or other health problem. The body needs vitamin C similar to how a car needs gasoline: gasoline is needed for a car to go anywhere and more gasoline is needed for farther distances or steep inclines.

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Support Ethical Operations

Support Ethical Operations

I recorded a new online workout video wearing brand name clothing that I was about to publish and distribute when I found a report on forced labour practices among various companies’ (including the company whose clothing I was going to wear) suppliers (1). The report titled “Uyghurs for sale ‘Re-education’, forced labour and surveillance beyond Xinjiang” was published by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (“ASPI”) on April 24th, 2020. It discusses modern forced labour practices in China that have impacted the integrity of global companies’ supply chains.

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