Guest Post

3 Simple Strategies to Grow a Facebook Group

3 Simple Strategies to Grow a Facebook Group

*Guest blog by Jono Petrohilos from The Course Creator Community.

** I’m thrilled to post this content to my blog as there are quite a few business owners taking advantage of Facebook Groups today. I found this article to be an easy read and informative! Remember to take advantage of my FREE Direct Your Business With Confidence for all kinds of tips and tricks on how manage money for your business.

When it comes to growing a Facebook Group in 2021, there are hundreds (if not thousands) of ways to do it! Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, Tik Tok, Clubhouse, Podcasts… you name it!


Most of the strategies above take time and effort!

And look… There’s nothing wrong with a bit of hard work… Especially when starting off… You’re going to need to work hard!

But the ultimate goal when it comes to growing a Facebook Group is to let Facebook do most of the heavy lifting for us!

We want to leverage the Facebook algorithm so that OUR group shows up in the Facebook feed without us having to do anything.

This way, you can spend less of your time actually growing the group and more of your time on engaging the group and converting your Group members to leads and clients!

Strategy 1: Naming Your Facebook Group

I recently wrote a full blog on how to name your Facebook Group and I share the specific formula to use (you can find that here) but let me give you the overview here!

You want to name your Facebook Group something that your ideal group member is searching!

E.g. One of my Facebook Groups is called the Course Creator Community and one of the questions to join my Facebook Group is “where did you hear about us”. Every day I will get 4-5 new members' requests to join the Group, saying they heard about us simply typing in “Course Creator” in the Facebook search bar!

There’s no better group member than this! They have actively searched for what we do on Facebook, found our group, clicked join, answered a few personal questions and maybe even given us their email! All from just naming the Group correctly!

We also get a similar number of group member requests who say ‘Our group popped up in their feed / suggested groups’ and they joined because they are Course Creators or want to be course creators!

Now the Group popping up in their news feed doesn’t have anything to do with the Group name, that’s got more to do with how engaged our Group is. However, the members are joining our Group because the name of the Group makes it super clear / obvious what we do!

A few common mistakes Group Admin’s make when naming their group:

1) They make the group name too cute / clever

e.g. I have a friend who runs a finance company called ‘Python Wealth’. He has a community Facebook Group and he’s named it - ‘The Snake Pit’. Now I think that’s pretty clever and cute. In saying that the only people that are going to find / join his group organically are snake enthusiasts and snake enthusiasts are not his ideal client!

2) They name their group after their business

This makes sense in theory because your Facebook Group is essentially an extension of your business but similar to above, no one is searching on Facebook for your business (unless you’re already a big name in the industry). If you really want to add your business name to the group - add it to the end. e.g. “Course Creator Community by Jono Petrohilos”

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All About Bows and Dinosaurs

All About Bows and Dinosaurs

*Guest Post by Mary Tsangidou the owner and founder of Bows and Dinosaurs Printables,

2020 was a tough year. For everyone, right? For me, the period of quarantine was the trigger to start my own online business.

But first, let me introduce myself. My name is Mary, I am 32 year old, SAHM and live in a small town named Edessa, in Greece. I have studied translation and got my Master's degree in teaching English. I've never officially worked as a teacher, as I realized that, teaching is not my thing.

At some point, I felt emotionally desperate to work. I felt that I wasn't a good mom, because I was 24/7, 365 with my kids, raising them, and looking for a way to balance my life, by doing something creative from home. Pinterest was a huge inspiration as I found an article about printables.

There was a phrase that said "if you need something, someone in the world may need it too" and that was my trigger.

I remembered all these planners I used to transform to make them cuter and all the projects I created for my children's birthday parties and christening. I started creating many projects. Some were a failure but with work, they started to be nice. I started graphic design lessons and something inside me told me that this is my thing! Without too much consideration, I decided to launch my Etsy shop and then website. I had nothing to lose anyway!

Financially, I wasn't able to hire a professional to create my website and tell me a few things about creating a business, so i started reading literally everything about it and hoped for the best. Of course, a professional would have saved me time and mistakes but I took the risk to do it alone. It's been half a month now and I have created some projects that I really love. For me, every single one is unique but trying to improve it further.

A project that I really love is my printable pregnancy planner, as I really want to write everything down and keep memories of everything, especially when it comes to babies. I wish I had created it when my children were newborn. I have designed it in weeks, representing the size of the baby with a fruit! Every week has grids to be filled with pregnancy details, such as symptoms, doctor appointments, cravings, and more. Plus, there are lists with all these things I needed as a new mom for my baby and all the things I needed in my hospital bag.

Finally, I have created many things to accompany the pregnancy planner, such as my baby journal and cards to photograph the growing belly and the baby in the first year of their life. All these come gender-neutral.

For more feel free to check my website! And remember! For the new subscribers, I give a set of printable planners as a gift!

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