Protect Your Immunity - Now Selling Nutritional Supplements Made in U.S.A.

A friend of mine recently sent me an article in IG Living titled “Factors That Can Impact Immunity” by Matthew D. Hansen, DPT, MPT, BSPTS which is relevant to Sampson12’s core philosophy that health and wellness does not have to be hard. Stretching is so critical in our daily lives and simple lifestyle changes can make a large impact on health. Additionally, many people (including myself) turn to nutritional supplements to help with metabolizing important vitamins and nutrients. I am excited to announce that you can buy my favorite nutritional supplements directly at       

My favorite products are from a 60 year-old company called NeoLife and have the amazing “made in U.S.A.” label! I am so happy that these products are made in the U.S.A. and I hope this never changes. The products also have GMO-free ingredients which is another big plus! I am relieved to sell nutritional products knowing their origination and quality standards.

I want to go back to the article by Hansen and discuss some of his points. The article starts with: “Many factors can impair immunity, some of which are beyond our control or the full understanding of the scientific world. However, the effectiveness of the body’s defenses against disease is a spectrum that may be impacted by several key factors influenced by healthy living habit.”

As we get older it is important to adjust our lifestyles to include healthy living habits. These habits may include drinking water, walking regularly, stretching, or giving yourself a foot massage and they impact your body even if dramatic results are not evident immediately. I like to think of them as preventative measures to reduce the risk of future health problems.

The article goes on to call out the following healthy habits: handwashing and sanitation, partaking in activities to reduce stress, sleeping, avoiding harmful environmental factors, managing nutrition and supplements, and exercising. The following excerpt is from the “Nutrition and Supplements” section of the article:

“Multivitamins and other vitamins certainly have a place, but guess where most of the 900 percent excess in RDA often goes if the body is already at capacity? I’m weary of high-priced supplements that claim to be superior because they have a proprietary formula. I also warn people they should become familiar with the origination and quality of their supplements because some have been demonstrated to not include what they say they contain, or they are contaminated with other ingredients.

If there’s one common ingredient individuals should try to ingest less of on behalf of their immune systems and other bodily functions, it’s refined sugar. Sugar provides fuel for bacteria, fungi and yeast. When white blood cells are exposed to sugar in high levels, their ability to fight bacteria decreases. Sugar also depletes vitamin C and B vitamins in the body, triggers inflammation, raises cortisol (see discussion on stress), and can lead to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes, impairing the immune system further.”

Hansen specifies that it is important to check the “origination and quality” of supplements which is hard to do with supplements purchased at a grocery store. I’m happy to have access to information on quality and origination of the NeoLife nutritional products sold at Please reach out to me at with any questions or check out this link to learn more about my favorite products


1 Hansen, Matthew D., DPT, MPT, BSPTS “Factors That Can Impact immunity.” Magazine Article. IG Living Magazine. ©2019 FFF Enterprises, Inc., June-July 2020. 21 July 2020. .

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