skin care

5 Natural oils to moisturize your lips

5 Natural oils to moisturize your lips

Natural oils are not just great for cooking but also for skin care. I only started using natural oils a few years ago after I bought argan oil as a facial oil. I started putting argan oil on my lips and noticed an immediate plumping and moisturizing effect. This effect was temporary however and required frequent re-application.

Aside from natural oils I have found that drinking a lot of quality water is the most effective and long-lasting way for me to moisturize my lips. For example, I started drinking Fiji water a few years ago and found that it helped with my dry lips! When I went back to drinking other bottles of water my dry lips returned, which has led me to believe that water with a lot of chemicals, salines, or chlorine in it may do little to help with dry-lips.

Many people seek out ways to effectively ward-off dry lips and try lip balm. I have tried lip balms as well and have found that even the brands with the most natural ingredients don’t seem to get absorbed into my skin like oils do. Try them out for yourself and you should be able to find most, if not all, of the oils on this list at your closest natural foods store.

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