
Ingredients in Meatless Burgers may be Similar to Dog Food

Ingredients in Meatless Burgers may be Similar to Dog Food

I am a big believer that food is “healthy” or “not-healthy” based on whether it was processed, the chemicals it was exposed to, synthetic mutations, and other unnatural exposures as opposed to the base form of the underlying food item. If I grow a bunch of fruits and vegetables in my backyard and make an all veggie meal that sounds pretty healthy. Whereas if I go to a store and buy dog food made from some form of a vegetable that is run through multiple machines, accumulated dust and other chemicals, and packaged in plastic that doesn’t sound as healthy to me.

I recently read an article posted on by Greg Henderson titled “@GHGGuru: Fake Meat ‘Not Very Different from Dog Food’”. The article discusses an interview with University of California/Davis professor Frank Mitloehner on the AgriTalk Podcast about how ingredients in the impossible burger and beyond burger are very similar to dog food except for a few additional spices for taste. This is different from the word of mouth opinions I have heard on the health attributes of these meatless burgers.

I have been told by word of mouth from a few people that the impossible burger and the beyond burger are “healthy vegetarian options”. I didn’t try and explain my different opinion on the subject in those instances because it didn’t seem like the right time. I consider healthy vegetarian options to be mainly organic grains, fruits, and vegetables with as minimal processing and chemicals as is available. So why do we have 2 very different opinions? Mainly because we listen to different types of advertising.

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5 Natural oils to moisturize your lips

5 Natural oils to moisturize your lips

Natural oils are not just great for cooking but also for skin care. I only started using natural oils a few years ago after I bought argan oil as a facial oil. I started putting argan oil on my lips and noticed an immediate plumping and moisturizing effect. This effect was temporary however and required frequent re-application.

Aside from natural oils I have found that drinking a lot of quality water is the most effective and long-lasting way for me to moisturize my lips. For example, I started drinking Fiji water a few years ago and found that it helped with my dry lips! When I went back to drinking other bottles of water my dry lips returned, which has led me to believe that water with a lot of chemicals, salines, or chlorine in it may do little to help with dry-lips.

Many people seek out ways to effectively ward-off dry lips and try lip balm. I have tried lip balms as well and have found that even the brands with the most natural ingredients don’t seem to get absorbed into my skin like oils do. Try them out for yourself and you should be able to find most, if not all, of the oils on this list at your closest natural foods store.

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5 Quick, easy, and natural face masks with ingredients from your kitchen

5 Quick, easy, and natural face masks with ingredients from your kitchen

Raise your hand if you have searched the internet for quick and easy natural face masks with ingredients from your kitchen and then decided against trying anything you found because it took too much time. Similar to cooking or baking, most of the “recipes” I found included measuring out teaspoons and tablespoons of various ingredients which for me was just too much. I’m busy, I have things to do, and I have to save my energy for making recipes to cook food I can eat so that I don’t starve.

Here is a life-hack on how to eat healthy and quickly and easily get the benefit of temporarily rubbing natural food with antioxidants on your skin as well:

  1. Eat a piece of fruit

  2. Spread the peel or the remaining part of the fruit on your face

  3. Wash off soon after

I started doing this with a papaya (see #1) because some of my favorite skin care brands boasted about the papaya enzymes in their products. I thought to myself, “I’m eating a papaya, can’t I just smear this on my face and get some of the benefits of the papaya on my skin?” So after I finished eating I took the inside of the papaya by the skin and rubbed it all over my face and washed it off after about 30 seconds. I felt that the results were significant, although seemingly temporary.

My skin looked tighter and clearer immediately after washing off the face mask! To be fair this only lasted until my face got oilier as the day wore on but isn’t a big part of healthy-looking skin maintenance? I’m hoping to prevent aging as best I can by frequently doing a little to add moisture and nutrients. I tell myself it is worth the dedication.

For example, if I was dedicated at the age of 14 to maintaining my facial skin health I would be in pretty good shape. Unfortunately, I didn’t start really working on skin maintenance until about 10 years later. I’m not commenting on how successful I have been in preventing my skin from aging but I strive to keep my skin looking like it is today and hopefully prevent aging tomorrow.

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