Kick Start Your Morning

Over the years I have made small tweaks to my morning routine and found that these often overlooked habits make the biggest difference in my mood and physical well-being. Let’s look at two examples of almost identical morning routines:

Example 1 – typical morning routine

  1. Wake up

  2. Drink coffee

  3. Shower, change clothes, and get ready for the day

  4. Eat breakfast

  5. Drive to work

  6. Start work

Example 2 – typical morning routine with lifestyle tweaks

  1. Wake up

  2. *eat a piece of fruit

  3. Drink coffee

  4. *Jump rope for 1 min to 10 mins

  5. Shower, change clothes, and get ready for the day

  6. Eat breakfast *with a high quality nutrition supplement

  7. Drive to work

  8. Start work

The above examples are almost identical except for three habits which make a big difference in crafting a healthy lifestyle:

  1. Eat a piece of fruit before eating or drinking anything else

    1. Your body will extract the nutrients more efficiently from something you eat after going for a period of time without eating.

    2. When you sleep you naturally don’t eat so take advantage of this natural fasting opportunity.

    3. Fruit contains a host of nutrients for your body to absorb.

  2. Jump rope for 1 min to 10 mins

    1. Jumping rope is an easy way to quickly elevate your heart rate.

    2. Elevating your heart rate helps you to wake up and get your blood flowing.

  3. Take a high quality nutrition supplement with breakfast (1)

    1. High quality nutrition supplements may help to curve food cravings throughout the day.

    2. Keep in mind that not all food supplements are the same and depending on the process used to derive the nutrition may actually be harmful for you if things like aluminum are found in the supplement.

    3. Choose a nutrition supplement like Pro-vitality which is made in the U.S.A. and stands by high quality standards.

I hope this article encourages you to make manageable tweaks to your morning routine for a healthy lifestyle. Giving up coffee or going for an hour workout in the morning may not work for you but you may be able to eat something healthy before your coffee. I’ve made these changes to my morning routine and I feel a noticeable difference in my mood and physical well-being. Try some of these suggestions out and let me know how they impact you!


 1) McAfee, James W. Your Body’s Sign Language Clues to Nutritional Well-Being. Image Awareness Corporation, 2005.


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