Pro-vitality nutrition supplement

Kick Start Your Morning

Kick Start Your Morning

Over the years I have made small tweaks to my morning routine and found that these often overlooked habits make the biggest difference in my mood and physical well-being. Let’s look at two examples of almost identical morning routines:

Example 1 – typical morning routine

  1. Wake up

  2. Drink coffee

  3. Shower, change clothes, and get ready for the day

  4. Eat breakfast

  5. Drive to work

  6. Start work

Example 2 – typical morning routine with lifestyle tweaks

  1. Wake up

  2. *eat a piece of fruit

  3. Drink coffee

  4. *Jump rope for 1 min to 10 mins

  5. Shower, change clothes, and get ready for the day

  6. Eat breakfast *with a high quality nutrition supplement

  7. Drive to work

  8. Start work

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