Healthy Living Habits

Healthy Habits Hack Gut Health with Natural Lemonade

Healthy Habits Hack Gut Health with Natural Lemonade

Having trouble with constipation? I’ll be honest, every once and a while I’ll notice that my gut seems to be forgetting about getting rid of all the food I’ve been eating. It is not a very comfortable feeling.

Even though I take a bunch of nutrition supplements, usually they make me feel bloated and don’t really help with the problem. Then one day I started craving lemonade; lemonade with REAL LEMONS. So because of my cravings and no other reason really I started making my own lemonade with the following ingredients:

Pure filtered water, ice, lemon juice (squeezed from a lemon), sugar.

Perfect! The lemonade satisfied my cravings and gave my morning routine a little bounce. Then I noticed something interesting, after drinking the lemonade consistently (every day) for 5 to 7 days suddenly all of the waste that had accumulated in my gut just left my body. It felt great! I was so shocked. So I was curious and began researching if lemonade may actually help with gut health.

Some natural blogs and natural health experts claim that lemon juice can help with all kinds of ailments and improve digestive health. Other sites set out to disprove this claim. So it looks like it really depends on the health profile of the individual and if you notice a difference or not.

In my opinion, I personally noticed a big difference in gut health when drinking lemon juice from a lemon consistently over a several day period. I think the important thing is to distinguish between natural lemonade from real lemons and drink products marketed as lemonade with other ingredients in them.

Let’s look at the ingredients in Minute Maid lemonade for example. The “healthy” version of minute maid lemonade ingredients looks like this:


Do you notice the high fructose corn syrup? I don’t think that can be good for gut health! Instead of opting for a version of lemonade with added ingredients I just try drinking lemon juice from a real lemon in whatever form or fashion you enjoy, whether that be with warm water or cold water and a hint of sugar.


This publication contains the opinions and ideas of its author. It is intended to provide helpful and informative material on the subjects addressed in the publication. It is provided with the understanding that the author and publisher are not engaged in rendering any kind of personal or professional services in this publication. The reader should consult with a competent professional before adopting any of the suggestions in this publication or drawing inferences from it. The author and publisher specifically disclaim all responsibility for any liability, loss, or risk, personal, professional, or otherwise, which is incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, of use and application of any of the contents of this publication.

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Kick Start Your Morning

Kick Start Your Morning

Over the years I have made small tweaks to my morning routine and found that these often overlooked habits make the biggest difference in my mood and physical well-being. Let’s look at two examples of almost identical morning routines:

Example 1 – typical morning routine

  1. Wake up

  2. Drink coffee

  3. Shower, change clothes, and get ready for the day

  4. Eat breakfast

  5. Drive to work

  6. Start work

Example 2 – typical morning routine with lifestyle tweaks

  1. Wake up

  2. *eat a piece of fruit

  3. Drink coffee

  4. *Jump rope for 1 min to 10 mins

  5. Shower, change clothes, and get ready for the day

  6. Eat breakfast *with a high quality nutrition supplement

  7. Drive to work

  8. Start work

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